Irvine half Marathon results and Mud Run?

Hello! I ran the Irvine half Marathon this weekend and it was packed with a few surprises! These are my results and recap – if you ran the race feel totally free to link your recap in the comments.

Irvine half Marathon Race Recap
MY newest VIDEOS

Covid 19 Antibody Test
I took the Covid19 Antibody Test. Here’s how it went and the results!

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 5 minutes, 19 seconds

My beautiful wife in the Pysch Ward: A Memoir – book Review


Packet Pick-Up: There was NO race day packet pick-up. Boo. one of my favorite things is when races let you get your race bib (number) the morning of the race. It can be a big hassle to have to drive to the race location the night before a race…. go home… wake up at the crack of dawn to go back to that same place you were yesterday. There are a lot of races around southern California and there are also a lot of people in here – this implies there’s a lot of traffic. because this was a Saturday race – runners had to get their stuff Thursday or Friday night. fortunately I live very close to the race starting line – but if I lived in long beach or near my parents… nope. I would have had to drive for hours out and back – only to have to do that again the next day.

Related: One time skinny Runner and I were expected to run a race in San Diego and had to pick up our stuff the day before. The traffic was soooooo bad – dead stop, going no where on the 405 bad – that we chose to turn around and not do the race.

Race Tee: short sleeve tech tee. मलाई मन पर्यो।

Logistics: I live close by so it ought to have been no problem to get to the start line – but I didn’t know what streets were closed and ended up having to detour and find a new route. I think there were directions from the freeway but not street directions. I didn’t need to get on the freeway so that didn’t really get me the info I needed.

Parking: Free. बूम!

Race Morning: I was late. (See: logistics) but there wasn’t a lot of traffic and the race started on time! The late arrival was on me.

I was walking to the starting line when the gun went off. So on the bright side – I got some good photos of the race start! and these were the only good pictures from the race because it started to rain when I had about 1 mile left. After the race it was raining pretty hard and I didn’t want to have my phone out in it so I asked someone to snap a quick post-race picture and then made a bee line to my car. Or maybe I made a ladybug line because I’m not a bee. but I don’t know if I’m really a lady either so… essentially I rushed to the car because I was freezing.

Race Course: This is similar to the Lexus lace Up Irvine half course… but there are a few small differences. It’s a fairly flat course around Irvine, CA neighborhoods and bike paths.

There was one big challenge on race day in the form of a … mud pit / puddle / lake situation. The rain from the night before flooded the path and there was a section covered in muddy water that went past your ankles. When I got to this part I stopped for a second because everyone in front of me was trying to navigate this area by going to the best or left of it. There was a man coming back on the best side so I assumed he didn’t think that was the way to go… so I went left.

Well, there was no way around it (literally). Runners just had to thoroughly walk through the mud water and trying to go to the side helped keep it from being too deep.

But another runner showed me a picture of their attempt to go around it to the best and it turns out – if you stayed up against the wall you could mostly get around it without having to step in the water completely.

I probably would have fallen in so I’m alright with my choice – it looked like they were completely against the wall and one lil lean the wrong way would imply stepping into it.

Finish Line: I didn’t stay for any post race party, food, totally free beer, etc. At that point it was raining and I was freezing and just wanted to get home and into the shower. plus – Diego was waiting for me at home!

Overall: I would do this race again. It’s so close! and the weather was the main drawback, but it’s rare to deal with very challenging weather around here. maybe I ought to call it an inconvenience instead?

Race Grade: On a scale of 1 to 5… um, I’m going to say a 3.4.

But this is the first time I’ve used this scale so… maybe I’ll have to edit this when I start to grade much more races.

Results: My finish time was 1:52:46

The good thing about Saturday races is Sunday rest day feels sooooo good.

And 1st place for the cutest half marathon medal wearing golden Retriever is…

Diego Redvera!!

And in other race news… I have new discounts for you!

New Race discount Codes

OC Marathon and half Marathon discount Code

Get 10% off of the Orange county Marathon or half Marathon may 5th

Discount code: RUNEATREPEAT10

Elite sportsRaces – full, half marathon, 10k and 5k races in southern California

Get 20% off all races with discount Code: RER20

Check out their events page for all the upcoming races! There’s one in Jan, one in Feb… there’s a lot!

Check out the Race discounts page for more!

Question: Did you run this weekend?

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


Sharing is caring!




ठूलो गाडीको


चिठी पत्र


keep choosing these:

What to eat before a Late half Marathon Race

What to eat before a Late half Marathon Race

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Irvine half Marathon Race Recap

Irvine half Marathon Race Recap

half Marathon Race recap and Review. Irvine half crazy half marathon running course and race review and suggestions for

St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

Marathon training 21 Mile Run

Okay. We have to talk. I’ve been lying to you, however more significantly I’ve been lying to myself….

Last weekend I stated I max out at 20 miles for a long run. I can’t run more than 20 miles outside of an actual race.
मेरो भर्खरको भिडियोहरू

How to do the lower Body workout for Runners A
Quick tutorial of the lower Body for Runners workout A moves. This includes:
Sumo Squat
Reverse Lunge – right
Reverse Lunge – left
Lateral Lunge – right
Lateral Lunge – left

Get this month’s workout calendar for Runners now on

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 3 minutes, 9 seconds

Marathon training Day 1


I don’t truly like super crazy long runs so I organized on doing a back to back longish run (my preference for training) this weekend. But, I only had time for 9 miles yesterday. So, I understood I had to do a long run today as well as I decided to push my ‘limit’ as well as shoot for 21 miles.

Pre-run: Crap, this is a poor sign. exactly how the hell does somebody ruin a frozen waffle?!

All right, let’s go.

I ran a path I haven’t performed in a long time to keep it interesting. It was excellent except I failed to remember the path doesn’t have a ton of water fountains. I went 6 miles out as well as 6 back to stop at house as well as refill.

I did it. I’m happy I pushed myself, however I still would 86% prefer to do two back to back runs over one super long distance.

Post run I got a bag of ice for an ice bath. vegas inspected it out.

When I very first tried coconut water (a long time back now) I didn’t like it. now I like it!

Yesterday I hit up the shopping center since I had a gift card that’s been burning a hole in my pocket. more on this pink top as well as other randomness soon.

What do you do are a 21 mile RUN?!

Eat, obviously.

#RunEatRepeat #boom

Check out my 10 tips to make it through your long Run!

Question: What are you eating?

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


keep going with these:

What I Ate Today Food Diary – Marathon training Week 4

What I Ate Today Food Diary – Marathon training Week 4

What I eat in a Day. Food Diary Running blog training week 4. Breakfast, Lunch, dinner as well as snacks plus notes on

What I Ate This weekend as well as the very best Run as well as eat of November

What I Ate This weekend as well as the very best Run as well as eat of November

नमस्कार !! कस्तो भइरहेको छ? What are your preferred part of the month? exactly how much did you run? exactly how much did you eat? Why am I a

OC Marathon training plan as well as Race discount rate Code

OC Marathon training plan as well as Race discount rate Code

Marathon as well as half Marathon training plan intermediate to get quicker or PR. For runners with a time goal. stamina traini

training for the Boston Marathon video series hold Hello!

training for the Boston Marathon video series hold Hello!

नमस्ते! I’m holding a video series called ‘10,000 Miles to Boston’ with Hyland’s Powered! We’re complying with a team of heale

rock N Roll San Diego Marathon half Marathon & 5K discount rate Code

rock N Roll San Diego MArathon आधा म्याराथन र kk छुट दर दर कोड

रक एन रोल सान डिएगो म्याराथन आधा म्याराथन 5k छुट दर कोड। जून 201 ga दौड कूपन कोड। साथै म मबको नयाँ बूंग पढ्दै छु

माईल चुनौतीमा स्ट्यान्ड गर्न कसरी चलिरहेको लक्ष्य सेट गर्ने

माईल चुनौतीमा स्ट्यान्ड गर्न कसरी चलिरहेको लक्ष्य सेट गर्ने

माईलहरूमा स्ट्याक स्टेशन गोल वर्कशिटमा। माईल चुनौतीमा 21 दिन स्ट्याकका लागि चलिरहेको लक्ष्य कसरी सेट गर्ने। नि: शुल्क p

St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

A function for diet plan bread

I discovered a excellent function for my old “diet” bread – French Toast! I’ve been craving it as well as repairing up crappy bread with a great egg mixture, PB as well as maple syrup was sure to make it great ?

I dipped three slices in egg whites, vanilla, cinnamon, sprinkle of milk as well as chia seeds. Can you see the seeds?
मेरो सबैभन्दा हालको भिडियोहरू

Marathon training Day 1

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 3 minutes, 12 seconds

Face Mask ideas for Running as well as walking Outside


I had the last of an almond butter jar so I made oats in a jar for Ben.

I haven’t been feeling almond butter as well as have been pawning it off on him for a while now. plus this was a best breakie since he was taking so long to get prepared his oats were already done. They would have gotten chilly if I didn’t have a lid to put on the jar.

Ahh! I’m late to kickboxing. It’s my very first time so desire me luck ?

Question of the day: who has worse morning hair, me or you?Happy Friday!!!

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


यी लागि खोज्नुहोस्:

simple breakfast Baked Potato Recipe

simple breakfast Baked Potato Recipe

simple breakfast Baked Potato recipe Potatoes are a delicious, nutrient-dense vegetable as well as a excellent choice to fuel your wo

PB&J Smoothie Recipe

PB&J Smoothie Recipe

healthy PB&J smoothie recipe. protein packed peanut butter jelly smoothie with yogurt as well as healthy fats to keep you full

ठ्याक्कै कसरी एक धेरै राम्रो कचौरा बनाउन – स्वस्थ बिहानको खाजा सुझावहरू!

ठ्याक्कै कसरी एक धेरै राम्रो कचौरा बनाउन – स्वस्थ बिहानको खाजा सुझावहरू!

ठ्याक्कै कसरी अन्नको मायालु कचौरा बनाउने। द्रुत बिहानको खाजा बनाउनुहोस् जुन तपाईंको लागि राम्रो छ र तपाईंलाई खाजा नभएसम्म पूरा गर्नुहोस्

simple Steel cut Oats in the Rice Cooker Recipe

simple Steel cut Oats in the Rice Cooker Recipe

simple steel cut oats made in rice cooker. recipe for oatmeal cooked in a rice cooker with milk, water as well as banana. Healthy

Light Hash brown Casserole Recipe-an update to a classic

Light Hash brown Casserole Recipe-an update to a classic

Light Hashbrown Casserole Recipe. Pototoes are excellent fuel for runners as well as this recipe is a quick breakfast to assist fuel

Cereal Milk Smoothie Recipe

Cereal Milk Smoothie Recipe

exactly how to Make Cereal Milk as well as light Cereal Milk Smoothie Recipe. simple delicious cereal milk recipe with genuine California Mi

St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

माईल माईल माईल मा माईल बुधवार निरीक्षण को साथै $ 100 गिफ्ट कार्ड तस्कता!

AEIPA, Fl! हिजो हामीले फ्याटाउन टम्पाको साथ साथै एक संग्रहालयलाई हिर्काए जस्तै स्वादिष्ट पिज्जा स्थान। सबै दिन वर्षा, यद्यपि हामीसँग छाता पनि थियो साथै यो चिसो थिएन त्यसैले मलाई कुनै आपत्ति छैन!

बेन साथ साथै मैले एक अर्कालाई केही समयको लागि देखेको छैन त्यसैले उसले हामीलाई ह्या hang आउट गर्नका साथै केही उच्च गुणस्तरको समय बिताउन अत्यन्तै ठूलो दिन आयोजना गरेको छ। (साथै, उनले स्पष्ट रूपमा नोभेम्बर उपभोग गरिरहेकी छ।)
मेरो सबैभन्दा हालको भिडियोहरू

उच्च प्राप्तकर्ता – महान पुस्तक समीक्षा सुन्नुहोस्
टिफनी जेनकिन पुस्तक समीक्षा द्वारा उच्च प्राप्तकर्ता। औषधि लतको नयाँ सम्झौताको द्रुत मूल्यांकन दोहोरो जीवन। लेखक द्वारा जाँच गरियो।

चालु हुँदा सुन्न सजिलो पुस्तक, खाने वा अरूले जे गरे छ।

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 सेकेन्डको minutes मिनेट, 12 सेकेन्ड

धावकहरूको लागि तल्लो शरीर कसरत कसरी गर्ने


हामीले पनि समात्छौं कि म पनि समाप्त भएँ! यो श्रृंखलामा मेरो मनपर्ने चलचित्र तस्वीर थिएन, यद्यपि म अझै पनि यो मनपर्दछ। साथ साथै म पनि पपविज्ञानलाई पनि अधिक मन पराउँछु। सधैं र सदाको लागि।

होटल होटल हामी बसोबास गर्ने हिम्मत भएको घाटामा रहेका छौं त्यसैले म बेलुकाको खानाको लागि तयार हुनु अघि सेतो zin को एक गिलास कपको साथ फिर्ता लात।

डिनरलाई सुन्दर पिज्जा स्थानमा थियो जहाँ हामीले सलादका साथै पिज्जा प्रदान गर्यौं।

मिठाई शोको वास्तविक तारा थियो यद्यपि – स्नराकर पाई। हो।

माईल माईल माईल बुधवार निरीक्षण मा माईल।

कस्तो भइरहेको छ? म बुझ्छु कि यो केहि स्थानहरूमा अविश्वसनीय चिसो छ। म भोलीको धन्यवाद बुझ्छु। मैले बुझें कि यो वर्षको गाह्रो समय हो – यद्यपि हामी माईलहरूमा स्ट्याक गर्दैछौं !! यसलाई राख्नुहोस् तपाईंको उत्कृष्ट र तलमा रिपोर्ट गर्नुहोस्।

यस प्रकाशनमा तपाईंको पीट अपडेटको साथ जाँच गर्नुहोस् साथै तपाईं $ 100 अमेजन गिफ्ट कार्ड जित्नुहुनेछ। ठूलो धन्यवाद, कठिनाई समर्थनका लागि विशाल धन्यवाद र यस हप्ता पुरस्कार आपूर्ति गर्न

(गत हप्ताका लागि पुरस्कारहरू मैले अपडेट गर्न एक मिनेट प्राप्त गर्ने बित्तिकै समाप्त हुनेछ – धेरै सम्भवतः।)

प्रश्न: आज तपाईंको कसरत के हो?

अस्वीकरण: मेरो मनपर्ने व्यवसाय आपूर्ति पुरस्कारका साथै माईलहरूमा स्ट्याकको लागि समर्थन सबै विचारहरू आफ्नै हुन्।

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


Finding the ideal Running shoe and POTM check In

Hello. So, according to the very reputable source Twitter – yesterday was national have a bad Day Day. and good ol’ Run eat Repeat took that very seriously and crashed.

The POTM check in for Wednesday will be up and available until Friday!! update that post with your Wed workout and this post for Thursday. Ya feel me?
मेरो सबैभन्दा हालको भिडियोहरू

Minute मिनेट रन तातो अप
धावकहरूको लागि छिटो न्यानो Minute मिनेट तपाईंको रन अघि तातो चलिरहेको छ। कसरी दौड्न को लागी तयार हुन। ideas for what to do before you run

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 सेकेन्डको minutes मिनेट, 34 34 सेकेन्ड

Podcast Recaps from Aug 6


In eating news… I used a packet of chocolate hazelnut butter to make my favorite easy oatmeal cookie. Do it do it. The original recipe was just one big cookie but I’ve been making two or three small ones.

I also found this picture and a bunch of other random ones from this weekend on my phone. They are so weird, but I can’t share much because my peeps would try to kill me. (Read: I’ll share them when I know they’re too busy to read.)

Also – Pizza Hut tweeted me. I feel fancy like eating pizza.

Me getting ready for Thanksgiving:

Finding the best Running shoe for You

Since I’m giving away 5 pairs of Mizuno running shoes this week I wanted to share some resources on how to find the ideal shoe for you. I really believe having the right shoes are crucial for running and avoiding injury.

My #1 idea is to go to a running shoe store and get sized, talk with someone about how much you run and have them check your gait. There are a lot of places that have treadmills and/or video options to enjoy you!

Then, choose the best shoe for you. If you don’t have access to that check out Mizuno’s shoe Finder…

Mizuno shoe Finder

If you already have a running shoe you dig you can use the switch from another brand option

Most of my runner pals wear the Mizuno Wave Rider which is a neutral, light but still supportive shoe. two of the best runners I know vow by this pair!!

If you need a little a lot more shoe and/or run long distance and don’t have best form the Wave inspire is a good option.

Pile on the Miles check in Thursday

Leave a comment on this post with your check in for Thursday! One person will win a pair of Mizuno Running shoes!!

(Leave a comment on Wednesday’s post with your Wednesday check in.)

I’ll announce winners Monday!

What’s your workout today?

Disclaimer: some of my favorite companies have donated prizes for pile on the Miles. All opinions are my own.

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्

साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


Eating like I’m training

Today I did 8.77 miles extremely slow. Ugh, I don’t understand what’s up with my speed lately  ? I was shooting for between 8 as well as 10 miles depending upon exactly how I felt. My knee started hurting around mile 4 as well as went away for a bit, then came back. I’m going to ice it in a bit.

I assumption I’m utilized to running super long training runs on Saturday since I fueled before as well as after the run like it was a 20 miler. I usually eat quite indulgently on Saturdays since it’s my long run day – I much better regime that in since I’m not at the height of training any type of more!
MY latest VIDEOS

Before We Were Strangers Review
Before We Were Strangers by Renee Carlino book review.
Quick thoughts as well as suggestions for audio books. The story, narrator, evaluation as well as more on the A great listen series.

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 9 minutes, 42 seconds

Then She Was Gone – book Review


Pre-run: before I left I had an honest foods bar as well as a handful of cereal (no pic).

Breakfast: When I got back I kinda had to eat the rest of this cantaloupe since it’s going to go poor soon. I filled it with a little scoop of cottage cheese (it was all I had left) as well as some trail  mix.

I had cereal on the side as well ? Yeah, this wasn’t necessary since I was already getting full, however once again I was eating like I ran 20 miles today.

Ben as well as I are going to check out Maryland  today. I packed lunches – a hummus as well as cheese sammie for me as well as egg salad for him.

I’m likewise bringing pita chips, veggie crisps as well as almonds.

I’ve already eaten half of this SB bar. I utilized to eat this all the time as well as failed to remember about them. I’m delighted they caught my eye (and were on sale) at Target.Happy Saturday!!! See you later…

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


keep going with these:

half Marathon in 10 Weeks training plan as well as Race packing listing as well as Tips

half Marathon in 10 Weeks training plan as well as Race packing listing as well as Tips

half Marathon training plan. free 10 week half marathon routine with running as well as stretch days. Race day packing listing an

Marathon training Week 4 Running, eating as well as reading Updates

Marathon training Week 4 Running, eating as well as reading Updates

Marathon training Week 4. Disney world Dopey difficulty training Update. Food Diary as well as books to listen to while running

weekend Running as well as eating Updates

weekend Running as well as eating Updates

नमस्कार! कस्तो भइरहेको छ? I have a quick recap of this weekend’s running, eating as well as … repeating. Oh, as well as I lastly listene

What I eat In A Day – for Runners

What I eat In A Day – for Runners

What I eat in a day video by a runner. Food diary of whatever I ate someday breakfast, lunch, dinner as well as snacks. plus

training for the Boston Marathon video series hold Hello!

training for the Boston Marathon video series hold Hello!

नमस्कार! I’m holding a video series called ‘10,000 Miles to Boston’ with Hylaएन डी संचालित! हामी मनोरन्जन को एक टीमको साथ अनुपालन गर्दैछौं

अन्नको दुध मनिणीली रेसिपी

अन्नको दुध मनिणीली रेसिपी

ठ्याक्कै कसरी अनाजल दूध बनाउनका साथै हल्का अनाजल दूध दुध स्नीरी विधि। साधारण स्वादिष्ट अनाज मल रेलिफोर्नियाको काम गरीएको

St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

Lady Bugs On a Log

great day to you After boot camp I was lured to go for a run (it was freezing as well as I wished to get warm fast!), however I understood my legs needed a rest so I went house for breakfast instead.

I was craving eggs as well as I desired oatmeal, so I had both. But, egg whites as well as oatmeal remind me of something a body builder would eat (maybe I’ve been reading as well many body building mags). I much better go pump some iron now!
मेरो भर्खरको भिडियोहरू

Before We Were Strangers Review
Before We Were Strangers by Renee Carlino book review.
Quick thoughts as well as suggestions for audio books. The story, narrator, evaluation as well as more on the A great listen series.

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 seconds of 9 minutes, 42 seconds

5 minute Run warm Up A


How’s everybody doing on the 30 Day wise Snacking Challenge? I’m hanging in there. I had an additional little bowl of cereal yesterday as well as a few additional cashews however not the usual damage, so there’s progress?

I packed Ben’s lunch as well as altered up his snack today – Ants on a log are so 2011…

This year it’s all about woman Bugs on a Log

I utilized dark chocolate M&Ms instead of raisins as well as spread one celery with AB, one with PB. I understand what you’re thinking, “What do I do with the other colors of M&Ms?”

Send them to me

Okay not really, I utilized those too…

Now I’m headed to the fitness center for a workout. Today I’m doing strength. I want to get buff…

Question: What’s on your exercise program today?

Bonus Question: What’s for snack??

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


यी लिएर जान्छु:

Q&A-May part 2 – will I Make My youngsters Run? exactly how I stay inspired to eat Healthy…

Q&A-May part 2 – will I Make My youngsters Run? exactly how I stay inspired to eat Healthy…

नमस्ते! How’s it going? I have a new round of concerns from you as well as your online running buddies! These were some great q

15 quick Pre Run Snack Ideas

15 quick Pre Run Snack Ideas

What to eat before you run as well as When to eat. 15 quick pre run snack concepts for new runners as well as training for a half marathon

free RUNNING LOG as well as meal PLANNER for Runners

free RUNNING LOG as well as meal PLANNER for Runners

Running Log as well as meal Planner free printable pdf for runners training for 5K, 10K, half marathon as well as full marathon races

27 factors That Can effect Your training as well as free Running Log printable

27 factors That Can effect Your training as well as free Running Log printable

tips for utilizing a training Log to run faster, better, healthy. free Running Log printable. 27 things that can effect your

Minute मिनेट चलिरहेको न्यानो अप – a

Minute मिनेट चलिरहेको न्यानो अप – a

quick warm Up for Runners. Minute मिनेट तपाईंको रन अघि तातो चलिरहेको छ। exactly how to get prepared to run. tips of what to do before

December Running calendar free Printable workout Planner

December Running calendar free Printable workoउत्तर योजनाकर्ता

नि: शुल्क क्यालेन्डर साथै लग प्रिन्ट योग्य PDF को साथ। सेनर्स वर्ल्डर क्यालेन्डर रनर स्ट्रेन्डर प्रयोग गर्ने

St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा

Mom’s birthday dinner

How’s was your Sunday? considering that we transferred to Orange region Ben as well as I have been “church shopping” as well as I truly liked the service we went to this morning! I believe he needs a bit a lot more convincing so we’ll try it out once again weekend after next. discovering Jesus is hard!

We headed to my parent’s home for Sunday Dinner. Actually, it was my mom’s birthday dinner! Her genuine birthday is Valentine’s Day, isn’t that adorable <3 however considering that that’s on a Tuesday as well as I work late, we celebrated today. मेरो सबैभन्दा हालको भिडियोहरू मैले एक Coviad-19 परीक्षण पाए कोरोनररस परीक्षण प्राप्त गर्दै - ठ्याक्कै कसरी काम गर्दछ, यसलाई कसरी काम गर्दछ, मेरो अनुभव पनि। I got the standard test as well as Ben got the Covid-19 fast test. अधिक भिडियोहरू 0 सेकेन्डको minutes मिनेट, 1 seconds सेकेन्ड अगाडि Podcast Recaps from Aug 6 07:26 बाच्नु 00:00 08:21 05:16 She wished to do a Thanksgiving style dinner with turkey as well as the fixings. I made roasted eco-friendly beans, the cake as well as assisted with whatever else when we got there. I’m the official turkey carver, did you understand that? My plate, I went back for a bit a lot more of everything. My siblings – bit as well as big We ate incredibly early, around 4:30pm. So after walking the dogs I had a little bowl of cereal. Nutella birthday Cake time! (used Sara’s recipe here) Happy birthday to youuuuuuu Mom! I had my piece with milk. Sadly, this cake didn’t modification my life. I don’t believe I like fudgy cakes (I don’t like fudge). however everybody else raved about it! Since this was a birthday celebration as well as we played a celebration game – Apples to Apples. It was surprisingly fun (I get tired quick as well as liked it, mainly since I was able to yell)! My preferred card   Earlier today I made what was meant to be a quick stop at Costco for the eco-friendly beans. Well, I ended up doing all my grocery buying for the weekend. The checker made a comment on my healthy eating, which made me feel healthy as well as happy. But, she didn’t understand about the Nutella cake I had at home! The Costco Haul: Celery Asparagus (random craving) Broccoli Sweet Peppers Green Beans Egg whites Sourdough Strawberries Blueberries BCAAs Lots of samples of path mix Sunday set Up – I have tons of veggies as well as leftover turkey for healthy lunches as well as dinners. Exercise: M: 6 miles, Strength T: Speed W: LR? TH:Yoga F: Strength S:Rest Sun: Half Ready for your week? मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस् बचाउनु साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ! भाग ठूलो गाडीको आलपिन भाग चिठी पत्र भाग keep opting for these: My lil Brother’s High institution graduation celebration as well as excellent Mexican Food My lil Brother’s High institution graduation celebration as well as excellent Mexican Food High institution graduation center piece as well as gift table. celebration at a Mexican restaurant as well as all the food as well as margaritas outsid What I Ate at Epcot After the white wine as well as Dine half Marathon What I Ate at Epcot After the white wine as well as Dine half Marathon What I ate during the Run Disney half Marathon Weekend. Food diary recap of my diet plan while traveling to half marathon run Hummus recipe round Up for finest concepts national Hummus Day Hummus recipe round Up for finest concepts national Hummus Day नमस्ते! It’s national hummus day! Hummus is still one of my top 5 preferred foods[बोनस पोइन्टहरू यदि तपाईं O को सबै see बुझ्नुहुन्छ आधा म्याराथन 10 हप्तामा प्रशिक्षण योजनाको साथ साथै दौड प्याकेज सूचीको साथ साथै सुझावहरू आधा म्याराथन 10 हप्तामा प्रशिक्षण योजनाको साथ साथै दौड प्याकेज सूचीको साथ साथै सुझावहरू आधा म्याराथन प्रशिक्षण योजना। राक्षस 1 हप्ता आधा म्याराथन दिनचर्याले चलिरहेको र स्ट्रेन्च दिनहरूको साथ। दौड दिन प्याकेजिंग सूचीको साथ साथै प्रशिक्षणको साथ के खानको लागि म एक दिनमा के खान्छु - धावकहरूका लागि म एक दिनमा के खान्छु - धावकहरूका लागि म एक रनर द्वारा एक दिन भिडियो मा के खान्छु। खाद्य डायरी जुन मैले केहि खाजा खाजा, खाजा, डिनर र स्नैक्स पनि मेरो मनपर्ने उत्पादनहरू खानामा प्लस विचारहरू धावकहरूका लागि उत्कृष्ट प्रोटिन बारहरू- को लागी पहिले एक रन पछि धावकहरूका लागि उत्कृष्ट प्रोटिन बारहरू- को लागी पहिले एक रन पछि धावकहरूको लागि उत्तम प्रोटिन बारहरू। एक रन अघि, एक रन र स्नैक्स पछि मेरो शीर्ष 5 मनपर्दो बारहरू साथै पोषण ब्रेकडाउन St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा ।

7 secrets to Run Your best virtual Race part 2 – Podcast 124

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Do you have a virtual race coming up? Or are you thinking about running one?? Here’s how to show up and really run your best Race. This is part 2 in our series about virtual Races. If this’s your first time listening or you missed it – check out the previous episode for 7 steps to get ready for a virtual Race podcast 123. It’ll help you train and prepare for the distance.

Say ‘Hi!’ and chime in sharing your run for today with @RunEatRepeat on Instagram 

Get the 7 suggestions checklist on

Today we’re talking about how to RUN YOUR best virtual RACE. and to get started – let’s warm up!

Warm Up:
Since this is part 2 of the virtual Race series we’ll keep the warm up quick…
2 things:

1. What are you training for? Chime in on this @RunEatRepeat Instagram post!
If you’re already registered and training for a race – please chime in on yesterday’s IG post with which race so everyone in the community can help support and encourage each other.

Bonus: It’ll help you stay accountable!!

2. changing my long Run Day!
I’ve chose to change my long run day to mid-week. This might seem like no big deal but, I’ve been running long on the weekends, typically Saturday for 10 years now. I feel like I’m so trained to have that as a long run day it’s going to make me dizzy and confused – like I have a sorta jet lag, but for running??

I’ve tried to change my long run to Fridays in the past and it never really stuck. but I’m giving it another try because with the COVID19 social distancing guidelines and restrictions – a lot of public parks and paths have been closed for months. now that they’re opening up and people have major quarantine fatigue – it seems like there are much more people out taking walks and on bikes on the weekends.

As someone who has run weekdays and weekends in the same areas I’m running now for years  – I’ve discovered there are a lot much more people out walking. I think that’s great!

But, even though these places are open for activity we’re still expected to keep a physical distance of at least 6 feet. That’s in some cases impossible when there are a lot of people out. and there are a lot of different guidelines about face coverings depending on the area.

It seems like the most common guideline is – if you’ll be in a situation where other people will be closer than 6 feet from you – you ought to wear a mask. So I’d certainly rather avoid having to wear a mask to run if it’s safe to do so and running on a day that will have less people around is a good idea for me best now.
I’m not saying any of this to tell you how or when to run – do what’s best for you. and I realize not everyone can change up their long run day.

I have the freedom to switch this up because I work from home and don’t have a partner or kids to consider into this mix. I’m sharing this because I think it’s going to be sooooooo strange and I feel like I’m about to try and switch my routine in a way that’s going to feel like I’m trying to make myself nocturnal or something. I think I’m on the spectrum of some anxiety situation because change like this (or any change actually)  makes me very anxious. [1 minor example: I refused to go to my 8th grade graduation because I was having a complete meltdown about the change, even though 86% of my pals were going to HS with me.]

It’s weird, I know.

Luckily running helps me feel better…

Question: What day is your long run? Chime in on Instagram @RunEatRepeat 

7 suggestions to RUN you best virtual Race

7 suggestions to RUN Your best virtual Race – You Can also listen to the suggestions on the Run eat Repeat Podcast episode 124.

And I created a checklist you can screenshot or print out – for an easy way to double check that you’re hitting every one.
This is part 2 in the podcast series about virtual races.

If you want the steps to get ready for a virtual race listen to the previous episode – Run eat Repeat Podcast 123

If you don’t know what a virtual Race is or just want much more info start here: What’s a virtual Race and how Do You Run One? 

How to Run your best virtual Race

1.Treat the race like a RACE. 

Your results are directly related to your hard work. We’re told over and over that running is 80% mindset and 20% physical training – so it’s essential that you think about it like an officially timed race. You have to respect the distance and do the work if yoy want to walk away knowing you really gave it your best effort. [Take it seriously. Prepare and Train like it’s a race. tell people about it. Do the work.]

2. plan the Race – Day/Time and Route.

If possible – make it a route where the finish line is somewhere fun/note-able.  Be sure it’s the best distance and that it’s clear torun. check the elevation if necessary. Drive the route, run it or bike it if needed. once it’s all set – tell people about it. If your family or pals are typically spectators – share this with them and ask them to meet you at the finish (if possible) or check on you after.

Bonus: draw the finish line the night before with chalk.Plan out your race day route.

3. Prepare for Race Day head to toe.

Do all your typical pre-race rituals. lay out your clothes the night before. get your lucky charm. Do you typical pre-race routines. Do a visualization exercise. remind yourself of your positive mantras and all the training you’ve done.

4. create a Race Playlist.

If you don’t listen to music while running – a playlist to pump you up and get you thrilled while you’re getting ready can help too!

5. fuel Up Smart! Prepare your body to run it’s best race by giving it enough food and hydration leading up to the race. fuel yourself like an athlete. fuel your body to run strong and feel good. Make sure you’re eating and drinking what you need to have the best race both the night before and day of.

6. Bring hydration & fuel

Plan what you’re going to eat and drink during the race. Make sure you have it on hand. and plan out hydration and/or fuel stops along the route.

Since you’re running a virtual race – you won’t have the perk of aid stations like in conventional races. So you have to plan how/when/where you’ll get fuel and hydration. here are some suggestions on how to eat and drink during a virtual race.

Bonus: This suggestions also work for long training runs!

Virtual Race Hydration and fuel options:

Carrying everything you need. This probably requires a handheld water bottle, fuel belt or hydration pack and running fuel in your pockets or in the belt.

Carrying fuel and hydration and planning to refill along the route OR doing an out and back so you can stop back home or your automobile to refill.

Getting fuel and hydration along the way. plan and prep whatever you’re going to eat & drink to be ready and easy to get and go during a quick pit-stop. You may be able to do this by stopping back at home, your automobile or a neighbor’s house (give them the fuel before so you don’t just show up asking for a banana at 7am out of the blue). another option is to bring money and run into a store to purchase a drink and food (I suggest a slurpee from 7-11!! Go big.).


सकेसम्म प्रयास गर। सकेसम्म प्रयास गर। read that again and tell yourself over and over leading up to the race and during the race. You are here to do your best with what you have today.

देखाउने। push yourself. No ‘do-overs’. This is the race you’ve been training for – give it everything you’ve got that day.

My favorite Running fuel Belts, Water-Bottles and Fuel:

Clif shot energy Gel – variety Pack

Clif shot blocks energy Chews – variety Pack

Margarita shot Blocks

Nathan Handheld Soft Flask 18oz 

Women’s Running Nathan Waistpack (fuel belt)

Men’s Running Nathan Waistpack

Today’s Awards:

1st Place: Watermelon. My #1 all time favorite food is in season and I’m purchasing all of them so this is your head’s up.

*If you haven’t seen it before… view my how to cut a Watermelon video – it’s very fast and easy!!

2nd Place: Scissors – they’re low-cost and I’ve chose to put them everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

3rd Place: soda Stream

Show notes and much more information are on

Check in with your workout for today and label @RunEatRepeat on Instagram so we can connect!

If you have any questions or topic requests – email or DM @RunEatRepeat on instagram!

If you have some time – please rate and review this show. It really helps and I really appreciate it.

सुनिदिएकोमा धन्यबाद! have a terrific one!

Question: What day is your long run? Chime in on Instagram @RunEatRepeat 

More suggestions for Running virtual Races: 

How to stay motivated & Train for a virtual Race – Podcast 123 (part 1 of virtual Race series)

What’s a virtual Race and how Do You Run One?

Keep choosing these: 

June workout calendar for Runners totally free printable 

4 minute Standing Core workout for Runners

What to do if your race is cancelled 

How to cut a Watermelon tutorial

Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram to connect daily, get motivated and stay accountable!
You can get much more Running Tips, training Plans, Recipes and much more on 

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!



हिस्साठूलो गाडीको


चिठी पत्र


केक ओडिजिंग

त्यहाँ केहि तरिकाहरू छन् जुन मैले चाहेको क्यालोरीहरू खाए (वा त्यसैले म विश्वास गर्न चाहन्छु)। तिनीहरू मध्ये एक “समेत” छ “मा केकको किनार बाहिर। यदि त्यहाँ केक छ भने, काउन्टरमा ब्रान्सको रोटी, रोटी वा प्यान मैले एक टुक्रा काट्ने गर्दिन जब म एक टुक्रा काट्छु। यो सयौं (कहिलेकाँही हजारौं) क्यालोरीहरूको क्यालोरीमा पुर्याउँछ जुन म लेखा लिइरहेको छैन। यो कारण हो यस्तो देखिन्छ कि म तौल गुमाउनुपर्दछ, तर मँ होइन।

पूर्ण खुलासा: मैले दिनको पाठ्यक्रममा किनारामाको सम्पूर्ण टुक्राको लागि समाप्त गरें।
मेरो भर्खरको भिडियोहरू

जीन समीक्षा यात्रा
शीट पोर्टेबल यूलाइन समीक्षा।

अधिक भिडियोहरू

0 सेकेन्डको minutes मिनेट, 1 सेकेन्ड

म्याराथन प्रशिक्षण दिन 4


खैर, आज मैले मैले खानेको रूपमा गणना नगरी खाने तरिकाको सूची बनाएँ। म यी सबै बानीहरू रोक्नको लागि प्रतिबद्ध छु!

मैले खानको लागि र यसलाई गणना नगर्ने तरिकाहरू:

– जब मैले केकको / रोटी / अन्य मिठोको किनारा काट्छु जुन काउन्टरमा छ

– एक पूरै एक को सट्टा कुकीको एक टुक्रा खाने

– खाना बेन (वा म्याट) छोडियो

– नमूनाहरू

– कन्टेनरबाट बाहिर पिउने रस (म केवल बेनसँग बस्छौं र हामी पहिले नै हर समय बित्छौं, त्यसैले मैले यो सकल फेला पार्दिन)

– खाना तयारी गर्दा खाँदै

वाह! यो भन्दा बढी मैले महसुस गरेको भन्दा पनि हो !! यसमा कुनै आश्चर्य छैन कि मैले गुमाएको छैन – म सबै धिक्कारको समय खाँदै छु!

म यो सूची ब्लगमा घोषित गर्दैछु त्यसैले म उत्तरदायी रहन्छु। एक पटकमा थोरै परिवर्तन, जस्तै यो खराब बानी हटाउने जस्तै, परिकधनको वजन घटेको कारण?

अर्को समाचारमा – मैले मर्मलबलबाट हिजो फिटनेस लुटको गुच्छा पाएँ। मार्शल अर्को स्टोर हो जुन म (पोशाकको लागि प्रवक्ता हुनुपर्दछ)। म एक औषधि बल को लागी शिकार मा थियो (बोबोईको AB कसरत्यूट गर्न) र एक यात्रा योग म्याट र एक स्थिरता बलको साथ समाप्त भयो! मैले पूर्ण रूपमा स्कोर गरें।

यो “यात्रा” योग म्याट मेरो म्याटको शीर्षमा योगब तौलियामा पनि प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ। म यसलाई टेस्ट चलाउन उत्साहित छु। यो पातलो, गैर-स्लिफ तौलिया जस्तो महसुस गर्दछ। तर मँ यसलाई प्रयोग गर्छु जब म यसलाई प्रयोग गर्छु।

मसँग क्यालिफोर्नियामा स्थिरता बल थियो, तर यसले देश भरि सर्न सामानहरूको कटौती गरेन? सत्यको रूपमा, मात्र मैले यो मात्र प्रयोग गरेको कुरा डेस्कट कुर्सीको रूपमा बसिरहेको छ।

बेलुकाको खाना चिपोटल थियो! बेन जब बेनले म चाहान्छु मँ डिनर सुझाव बनाउँछु। हामीले चिप्स को एक अर्डर साझा गर्थ्यौं …

र मैले शाकाहारी सलाद कचौरा लिएको टन र टन गुलाबको साथ। यद्यपि यो म धेरै धेरै गुड हो, मलाई थाहा छ कि यो मेरो मेक्सिकन सम्पदाको बिरूद्धमा छ।

प्रश्न: के म चक्कु संग खेल्ने कोही जस्तो देखिन्छु?

किनकी म। र मैले आज मेरो हातलाई पूरै काट्छु? पाठ सिके। कठिन तरीका। आउच!

म मेरो घाउमा झुकाव लिन छु र सानको साथ फिल्महरू हेर्छु। बिहान भेटौंला!

मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्


साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको



चिठी पत्र


यी लिएर जान्छु:

Brocckiyy नुस्यसँग सजिलो स्केलपेप गरिएको आलु

Brocckiyy नुस्यसँग सजिलो स्केलपेप गरिएको आलु

Broccoली प्रकाश विधि स्वैप संग सजीलो स्केलपेप गरिएको आलु। भेग्सी प्याक गरिएको परिवार मैत्री साइड डिश कुकूल नुक्कड नुकसान

असम्भव तेरियाकी कचौराहरू – पूर्व रेससी विधि

असम्भव तेरियाकी कचौराहरू – पूर्व रेससी विधि

सघन बर्गर तेरियाकी तयेइलीहरू रेखदेख गर्नेहरूको लागि हाल म्याराथन चालु हुनुभन्दा पहिले पूर्व लामो रन वा पूर्व दौड डिनर रेफर

तपाईंले व्यायाम गर्नु पर्छ जब बिरामी र अन्य Q & A Insagam कथाहरूबाट

तपाईंले व्यायाम गर्नु पर्छ जब बिरामी र अन्य Q & A Insagam कथाहरूबाट

के तपाईं बिरामीको बेला चलाउनु पर्छ? के तपाइँ तपाइँको पूर्ण समय कामको रूपमा ब्लग गर्नुहुन्छ? के तपाईंले बोस्टन म्याराथन चलाउनुभएको छ? हस्टन म्याराथन? टापीचलिरहेको वजन कम गर्न को लागी उत्तम तरिका हो तर …

चलिरहेको वजन कम गर्न को लागी उत्तम तरिका हो तर …

कसरी तौल चलिरहेको र यात्राको आनन्द लिनको लागि। चलिरहेको संग वजन हराउनका लागि सुझावहरू। कसरी चलिरहेको छ र गुओ महसुस गर्न

Mibros 101 कारोट एन केकबाट TINA को साथ – 137

Mibros 101 कारोट एन केकबाट TINA को साथ – 137

Roodt podatt podtake poodta pocks1 mid म्याक्रोहरू 10 Cocks n केक लेखक TINIना hupagert। द्रुत चालक चलाउन के रगणनाले के खानु पर्छ र

कसरी खराब बानी ह्याक बन्द गर्ने – 126

कसरी खराब बानी ह्याक बन्द गर्ने – 126

खानेकुरा, द्वि घातुमान खाने वा अर्को खराब बानी। सबै भन्दा राम्रो सहजै pieing टिप तपाईंलाई डाईट खाडलमा मद्दत गर्न मद्दतको लागि

St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा